Health care
For Alaskan Malamute specific health issues, please see Malamute Health website.

Your dog will require a visit to the vet at least once a year for its check up, vaccinations, and a heartworm test.

Vaccinations can be given for many different diseases. As an owner it is in your best interest to learn about rabies, distemper, parvovirus, para-influenza, leptospirosis, hepatitis, coronavirus, bordatella, and Lyme disease. Ask your vet to recommend a vaccination plan then be sure to keep your dog up to date.

Heartworm can affect dogs in most areas of the United States. If you have mosquitos near you, your dog can have heartworm. Mosquitoes carry heartworm larvae and inject them into the dog when they bite. The larvae grow into worms which settle in the dog's heart. They grow and multiply till they kill the dog. Alaskan Malamute Rescue of New England, Inc has had several heartworm positive dogs turned over to rescue in the past few years. The treatment is expensive. The best thing you can do is prevent heartworm by using a heartworm preventative. All that is required is for your dog to have a yearly blood test at its annual checkup, and then your dog will take a daily or monthly pill. If you follow this routine heartworms should never be a problem for your dog.

The yearly check up is the time to talk over any behavioral or physical changes you see in your dog. You will also need to bring a stool sample into your vet to have it checked for parasites like roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms. Your vet will be able to advise you on flea and tick control.

Annual Vaccinations:

  • Annual vaccinations (NEED LINK)
  • Parasite control, worms, ticks, fleas etc.
  • Heartworm Disease (NEED LINK)
  • Controlling fleas and ticks
  • Controlling Worms (NEED LINK)

Preventing, recognizing and treating illnesses

Your dog depends on you to prevent, recognize, and seek treatment for it when it is ill. This means watching your dog carefully every day, checking its coat and skin each week while grooming, and watching for any behavioral or physical changes in your dog. Call your vet if you think something may be wrong.
Your dog should see a vet for the following conditions: bleeding or deep cuts and puncture wounds, cat or dog bites, lameness, snake bites, any car accident, possible poisoning, heat stroke or frostbite, fever, possible pregnancy, discharge from the genital area, cuts on pads of the feet, overeating and diarrhea. If in doubt, call your vet.

First Aid

Medical Emergencies

Signs of illness


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